Ihr Gesicht kostenlos. Kein Wunder, Victoria Fleer is not as a singer with the Swing-Trio ‘Die Zimtschnecken’ in North German Bühnen, all as Schauspielerin, who in the St. Pauli Theater and in the Fernsehen yet – actuell in ZDF-Weihnachtsfilm ‘ Stille Nacht, raue Nacht“.

Victoria Fleer radiated Offenheit and Lebensfreude, and was Vertrautes, Bekanntes. Would you like to know if you know the Nachbarschaft, the Spielplatz, the Sports Club or the Sports Club – or what about the Theaterbühne or the Fernsehen? Stimt. If you play in the Altonaer Theater, it is more weeder in the St. Pauli Theater – active in “Die Carmen von St. Pauli” – and nachnachten that have been in the “Nacht-Tankstelle” for more than 15 years.

You can see Hinnerk Schönemann in “Nord bei Nordwest”, in “Schule am Meer” and Schon in the “Pfefferkörnern”. If you are not in the initial realization, it is still there. Beim Gespräch mit WELT AM SONNTAG in a café after the Hamburger Hafen, whoever in the ZDF Christmas film „Silent Nacht, raue Nacht“ (1.12., 8.15 PM and in the Mediathek) hinbekommen hat.

Fleer als spirituelle, herzensgute Chaotin

I am in the Zentrum of the Wissenschaftlerin and Klimaforscherin Liane (Maria Ehrich), who has a very pessimistic view of the brim hat. Gründe dafür can be fun and so active: This is the period of winter, the temperature is at 18 degrees and the Ginster blüht. We see a fierce Wintersturm on – draußen in front of my house in front of the Hamburgs Tower, in front of everything in my life.

With his friend Philipp (Tim Oliver Schultz) he fights through the meinsame Zukunft nach Gomera. Neither Zuvor nor Lianes Schwester were at a Wintersonnenwende party. You can no longer practice if Liane does not perform rituals with Traumtagebücher, Räucherriten and Wünscheverblopen, if you do a mysterious story, Sanften Mani (Benito Bause), which can help your fortan with the devising and your reasoning of contemplating it.

Aberglaube is self-intelligible in the theater

Victoria Fleer played that wild, esoteric Schwester, the wife and children and the steady money flows in a bunten, it was a chaotic house in Eimsbüttel. If there is a sad figure, they freak out a bit and then don’t do anything anymore. “I have that role as softly as my own Schwester, weil still have spirit,” says Fleer. Fremd was ihr the Raunächte, which you started after the 21st of December and the 6th of January and were cleansed and separated for the next year, as a mythical Erzählung nicht.

“If a man comes from Theater, he is an abergläubisch man,” said the 45-year-old boy. If you start with the toi-toi-toi and the excessive schulter-spucken, it is likely that you now have to earn a living and do some practical exercises and continue with individual rituals. You can find yourself in the St. Pauli Theater before you have a small poll about the Bühne and the power over a similar Geräusch. “Dann knew everything: Jetzt kommt die Fleer.”

There is an East-Western Worker Family

Aufgewachsen is in a ‘classic worker family’ in East Westphalia, whoever it is. With my Aunt and my Mutter is the music hearing and the best film, with Fred Astaire or Dick and Doof Sketch. “By Dick and Doof, learn optimal timing,” he said. Früh war in de Leidenschaft für die Bühne und de Tanz geweckt. Three weeks you spend your time with your ballet dance. “Aber der liebe Gott wollte einen others Körper für mich”, said that he was self-confident.

On the stage you will be proud: In the new class you will remain secretly in the Stage School in Hamburg and was accepted. But ihre Eltern doesn’t play with. Power is also first Abi and is neither a thing: Mit Erfolg. “I have a few favorite songs and some great strength, that was so strong, that in itself my life was never forgotten,” it is said.

This was the case, which Victoria Fleer was waiting for, but it would not be good to work. They will have Tag bei der Arbeit Spa, gerade in the Theater jeden Frisch and das Stück gehen, when they play their hunderts Mal, and they will respect themselves and others. The goose consum is about the white night, the ritual who in “Silent Night, raue Night” does not apply.

The Christmas pajama is a Muss

Small gifts and music from Bach by Rolf Zuckowski and his self-image with the ukulele are one of the following: “We will see three days long without having Christmas pajamas,” he said. If you spend the summer of the two nights, you can find a suitable costume on the Stage of the St. Pauli Theaters. And that’s not even mentioning the Tour with my Swing Trio “Die Zimtschncken”. Occasions, Victoria Fleer, whoever she is, it is also rich.

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